June 25, 2012 Synerdynamics

“Stop Your Weaknesses” by learning how to eliminate them

Many aren’t very motivated to stop doing tasks and activities they dislike.  Buckingham uses an easy acronym to “STOP” doing it!  STOP = 1) Stop – cease the activity you dislike and see if anyone notices.  Sometimes people do irrelevant tasks that aren’t connected to anything.  Simply ending them frees up time for yourself, lowers your stress and allows you to contribute more to the team.  2) Team up – consider who on your team actually enjoys this activity.  Can you swap part of your respective jobs?  Does this person know a trick that could help you do the job in a more enjoyable manner?  3) Offer up – substitute using one of your strengths to get the job done or offer to do a different task instead.  Lastly 4) Perceive – look at your weakness with fresh eyes.  Can you learn to see if differently?  Can you connect it to something you enjoy doing?