Outsourcing is not a 4-letter word!
I use a CPA, when I ran my agency I used a payroll service, even my copier was provided and serviced by another firm….all of which are really outsourced services. Shoot, even what I do for my clients is considered “outsourcing” , yet when we begin to talk to some clients about pushing tasks to the lowest common denominator, which sometimes even out the door, I get this “Are you a communist” look or feedback. The truth is, the key to productivity is scrubbing what we’d do to make sure we’re 1) Doing the Right things and 2) Doing those “things” the best way. Pushing task-oriented things to the lowest level of competency necessary to maintain the standard of excellence can take on a variety of forms….including all kinds of options. Let’s continue this dialogue, let us know how when we can talk.