Data Conversion Project Best Practices #3: Training
It simply can’t be said that a staff could be too prepared for a data conversion. The variety of tools and venues that training can occur in the data conversion timeline is designed to meet a variety different learning styles and build a solid foundation and level of comfort with Epic prior to GoLive so the production personnel feel as ready as they possibly can to begin working in their new database environment and workflows on the first day of GoLive.
Web-based training tutorials are provided by Applied Systems early and throughout the project timeline in order to give users access to visual and auditory training on how to use Epic. The tutorials have been divided into tracks for key agency functions, each of which include about 7-8 hours of total training. For the most optimal outcome of the onsite training provided in your conversion program by Applied, best practices agencies will require that all staff complete the web-based training just prior to the onsite training and reap a great benefit for doing so.
Onsite training, typically 1 week, sometimes two based on the size of the agency, is definitely not something to scrimp on when planning your conversion project. In order to keep your agency functioning properly and servicing your client’s needs, we find that the best training plan involves ½ day sessions where your staff is split into two groups with morning and afternoon sessions. Best-practices agencies require all staff that will be using Epic to attend the onsite training sessions that are designed for their particular type and level of use. The trainer (an Applied employee) will teach, demonstrate and encourage attendees to work through sample processes and procedures, while attendees take good notes for reference at their desk during test workflow process focus week and in preparation for GoLive week and thereafter.