Early adopters of internet marketing have an incredible advantage and consistently dominate their market.
Nike is famous for the “Just Do It” philosophy, which was a common attitude toward the early stage internet positions for most of my clients. Yes, jumping out there in one form or fashion was a sign of innovation and forward thinking, but what did it really do for you? Sure, if you took the time to develop some good content you probably ended up with a nice flashy “brochure site” but again, what did it do for you past validate your business to someone wanting to check you out.
I’m sure the lizards of the world are selling products over the web, but it’s to a completely different demographic than what most agencies cater to. Wow – that’s a huge contradictory intro to the title of this post isn’t it? The point of the intro is that yes, most of us thought we needed to jump out there and we did. What differentiates man from those who have been truly successful at the early state marketing piece is that they focused on exactly what their demographic wants and delivered. The lizard is classic (both online and off) for tossing out the bait that their fish are biting – but don’t get confused that its the same fish your looking to hook. The message here is make sure you know what your market is. Study them very carefully and then deliver the internet-based product, service or relationship they want. Almost every independent I deal with today is still VERY much focused onthe value of the relationship. Is that relationship built on the internet ? Answer: No – on second thought, let’s make that a resounding, NO! Sure, that relationship will be more easily facilitated because they can procure routine services and inquiries via the interent, but I don’t see very many people in reataurants sitting alone in a booth with their laptop or iPad reviewin their commercial risk management portfolio – their sitting their with their trust advisor talking about the unique and complicated nuances of their business that they need help managing. Bottom line: Use the internet for what it can do to enhance your relationship with your clients, but remember nothing replaces the foundation of the relationship with your clients, that face to face interaction. |