June 19, 2012 Leadership, Operations

“Free Your Strengths” by using them the best way

Look at your top three strengths and consider how well you have been using them.  The task is to make them more prominent in your work.  Too often, people think their first option is to change to the one that is a better match for their strengths, which may be the case, but ask yourself these four questions:  1)  Do you understand clearly how a strength helps you in your current situation?  2) Have you missed opportunities for using your strengths?  3) Would additional skills put an even finer edge on these strengths?  4)  Can you redefine your job to cater to these strengths?  With the answers to these questions, determine ways to bring your strengths to bear at work, evaluate how well you are abandoning your weaknesses, and filter out tasks that distract you from what you are trying to accomplish.