October 5, 2011 Leadership, Management, Professional Development, Synerdynamics

Your thinking will dictate your actions which inevitably dictate your results.


Being resilient has to be one of the most common success mindsets among all the skyrocketing young entrepreneurs I’ve studied over the course of the years.  A lesson we can all take and apply to our lives.  Nobody’s saying that life isn’t filled with a constant and sometimes unrelenting cycle of ups and downs, but its what you do with it that dictates your results, or how you come out of the cycle.  Cameron Herold, author of “Double Double” advocates a “Painted Picture” of where you want your company to be in 3 years.  The foundation of your vision, goals, objectives and strategies.  The filter for your hiring, meetings, marketing – even focused productivity.  None of that is really new, but what is a breath of fresh air is the mindset and ultimately the actions of a resilient leader and leadership team that clearly and enthusiastically communicates and supports that “Painted Picture” every day of every week of every month of every year – regardless of the up or down of the cycle.  Is your thinking dictating your actions?  Are you seeing both of those dictating your results?  You are the beacon of your organization if you’re anywhere near the top of the food chain there.  What are you modeling for your staff?  It all has to start and continue with you, regardless of the cycle – be resilient and see if you’re team isn’t as well in the longrun.